I hope that everyone has similar good experiences with their new coworkers without the downsides of Hema. But, no matter what, I know that no one will have an experience like this:
Sorry Rich and Kort, you guys missed out on the Wind Rivers, but it was awesome. That is one thing that I really miss about Utah, such close access to so much outdoor recreation and no shortage of people who want to come along. Thanks for coming on the Winds trip Jared, I had a really great time. Lest the rest of you feel left out, you should know that it wasn't all beautiful vistas and clear mountain lakes:
Those mosquitoes were a KILLER! But we still had a good time, especially on the 20 mile death march out on the last day. I hope we will have a chance to do that again sometime. Anyway, I hope everyone will post here and stay in touch. You guys are the best. HEMA FOREVER!
Forrest Mooy
Oh man, I remember those mosquitoes. That was like something out of "The Birds". I must admit, I often think of the times that we all had at hema and have come up with a short list.
1. Ping Pong
I do not think that I will ever work in a place again that has a ping pong table for mulling over thoughts (right rich).
2. Polish Dogs
Need I say more
3. Blood Lab
I am with Forrest on this one. I loved messing around with the blood. I recently gave blood here at work and the nurse that was screening me was very concerned with all of the handling of blood that I did. She asked me if I handled it properly and I honestly said that I did not know. For all I know, I have some strange disease. She let me give blood anyway.
4. Baseball game with Mike Steuer.
Forrest, I know that you missed out on this one, but it was real fun. I am glad that we got Mike a date.
I should have gone to the Wind Rivers with you guys. Kort and I spent the 4th of July weekend trying to make the MACHINE work.
Are you ever going to go again?
I am definitely game for another hike in the Wind Rivers. Although, I guess it could be difficult with everyone all over the country. I know its a long shot, but I am going to be in Utah at the end of the summer for around a week, if anyone will be in the area at that time, let me know. I am flexible on the dates, I can make any time between Aug 6th and Aug 20th work. I know, its only a dream, but I would love to see you guys again.
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